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NYAMBA Ref. 8527901 2657152

Pilates Resistance Band 4 kg - Black

VAT included
Color: BLACK
Not available online

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Designed for Pilates exercises.


Compact design

Lightweight and practical, a toning accessory that can be stored anywhere!


Just one accessory for working on many muscle groups.


You help us to improve...

The elastic is now 1.90m long, or 20cm longer than before. We decided on this change by studying your opinions and observing group classes.

A tip from the team...

To help you with body positioning, we traced a white line. It shows you the middle of the band.


Length 190 cm x width 7.6 cm x thickness 0.55 mm


To prevent injury, it's important to start slowly. We recommend two resistance levels: one for warming up and one for your main workout.

Always remember that rubber is fragile.

You will increase their longevity by not stretching them beyond twice their length. 

If you work out wearing shoes or want your product to last longer, we recommend using a textile resistance band.

Maintenance and storage instructions

To extend the life of your product, we recommend:

- Gently cleaning it with warm water and a damp cloth

- Sprinkling some talcum powder on it from time to time

- Storing it out of direct light and away from heat sources, ideally at temperatures below 30°C

What exercises can you do with your Pilates Band?

Don't know which exercise to start with, or how to get your posture right?

Take a look at the poster below:$adc4f158789740ac9699d6476e2df3fb/pilates%20band.webp

(Copy and paste the link in your web browser)

Download our poster on your smartphone or print it out to gain access to a dozen free exercises developed by qualified sports coaches!