To keep our users safe, we conduct recalls of products that may be unsafe. We notify all customers whom we can identify as having bought the product, and we also post notices on our website.

current products

picture of nabaiji baby inflatable float picture of nabaiji baby inflatable float picture of nabaiji baby inflatable float

We ask that you no longer use this product and follow the instructions below :
- You purchased the product Baby hammock buoy between 02/01/2023 and 06/23/2023.
- Baby inflatable float with built-in harness (306392) 8752138 / 8752140 / 8752139. Why is this product recalled? - We have identified an overturning risk of the user. In case of reversing, there is a drowning risk because the child is tied by the buoy and his head could remain underwater without any possibility of finding back the right position.
- Even if the use of our buoy must be under parent’s supervision, we don’t want to take any risk with children's safety, that is why, by way of precaution, we recall all products involved.
- We kindly ask you to return the product to the reception of our Qormi Store.
The product will be refunded to you.
Thank you.
Decathlon Malta